RE:NEW is a multi-year plan to renew our church and impact our community and world.

If you’re a part of Meadow Park on any given Sunday, you perceive it. You feel it. God is doing a new thing among us! He is bringing new life, vision, and hope to both young and old. And now, it’s time for our church building to reflect the renewal that is taking place.
The RE:NEW Initiative is our vision to renovate Meadow Park inside and out debt free to help us accomplish our mission for years to come. Creating fresh, inviting, and modern environments will allow us to better engage our community, families, and the next generation.
Beyond updating our building, the RE:NEW Initiative is about God renewing our hearts and growing our commitment to help people experience life to the fullest in Christ. Just imagine the lives yet to be transformed through our ministry.
It’s going to take ALL OF US to make this vision of renewal a reality.
I can’t wait to see what God will do through Meadow Park as we renew our hearts, our passion for the lost, and our beautiful church.
To the glory of God!
Pastor Mark Krenz
Lead Pastor
Make your commitment today

Share Your
RE:NEW Story
How has God been renewing your heart during this Journey? We’d love to hear how God has ben moving in your life during this season. Share your story and we’ll follow up with you.

Renovation Phases
PHASE 4: $160,000
RE:NEW Lobby, Café, Hallways, Offices
Carpet, Paint, Furnishings
Plus $5K Local/Global Projects
PHASE 5: $150,000
RE:NEW Exterior
New Sign, Stucco/Paint, Landscaping
Plus $5K Local/Global Projects
PHASE 6: $125,000
RE:NEW Park Kids and Youth
Carpet, Paint, Check-in, Entrance
Plus $5K Local/Global Projects
PHASE 1: $100,000
RE:NEW Worship Center
Carpet, Paint, Chairs, Stage
Plus $5K Local/Global Projects
PHASE 2: $180,000
RE:NEW Parking Lot
Mill and Asphalt, Seal and Stripe
Plus $5K Local/Global Projects
PHASE 3: $125,000
RE:NEW Children’s Center
Carpet, Paint, Main Bathrooms
Plus $5K Local/Global Projects
$840,000 All Phases Renovation
30,000 Local/Global Projects ($5K/phase)
Addressing hunger, homelessness, addiction, human trafficking, wholeness
for children and refugees, and community and church development.
Cost and Phase Considerations
• No Debt: Meadow Park will stay debt free and will complete phases as resources are given and available.
• Leadership may utilize reserve funds to complete or jumpstart a phase.
• Savings from any phase whether through sweat equity, lower bids, or donations of goods or services, will be applied toward following phases.
• Funding sources beyond congregational giving may be used to fund various phases, for example, grants or outside fundraising for Children’s Center.
• Phase costs are only estimates based on our feasibility study and initial bids. Actual costs may increase due to final bids and future cost of materials and labor.
• Leadership may change individual phase scope or order as needed.

Give to RE:NEW or Set-up Automatic Recurring Giving

Messages from the RE:NEW Series
RE:NEW 50-day
Daily Devotional and Prayer Guide
Starting October 2 with our RE:NEW Initiative Launch, we're kicking off our 50-Day Spiritual Journey of RE:NEWAL. Through inspiring weekly worship and messages, daily scriptures and reflections, and prayer and fasting, God will open our hearts to Him.
To help us prepare our hearts, we've created a 50-Day devotional that will be available in print, PDF download, and daily emails.