Tired of life lived in isolation? Tired of going it alone? Tired of pursuing the American Dream and chasing after the ever-elusive “enough"? Tired of believing all truths lead to God only to realize you can't find Him? Tired of having a restless, searching soul?
Meadow Park Church is people living a different way. A refreshing way...
We are ordinary people on a journey. We are finding wholeness in sharing community with each other marked by outrageous generosity and self-sacrifice. We are finding rest for our souls on the rock-solid truth of Jesus Christ. We are finding significance in joyfully serving and restoring people, marriages, families, our community, and the world around us back to God. We are finding peace in doing the right things, not the popular things. We are finding freedom submitting our lives to the leading of the Holy Spirit, to do bold and audacious things for God. Our tribe is growing and we're saving a place for you.
Wherever you are on your faith journey,
whatever your feelings about church,
however bad you've screwed up,
you are welcome here!
Leadership & Staff
Identity and Beliefs
Our passion is to help you take your next step with God, whether it's your first step back towards God or a step to go deeper in your faith.